Author's posts
Exploring regional energy transitions in Baja California (Mexico)-California (US): a field trip
From April 1st to May 28th, I was in the cross-border region between Baja California and California, conducting interviews, workshops, and surveys for my PhD project “social inclusion as an aim and enabler of just regional transitions” as part of the H2020 Tipping Plus project. I wanted to find out whether a regional energy transition …
Join the PhD group of the Energy Transition Lab!
As the Energy Transition Lab (ETL) of the Technology Policy and Management Faculty at TU Delft grows, researchers working on energy topics are coming together. The ETL directives extend this effort across the PhD candidates in the TPM faculty. And we, the PhDs, could benefit from it. Towards the end of 2021, twelve PhD candidates …
Sep 10 2021
Energy transition: yes GHGs reduction but also social inequality reduction
The energy transition is commonly framed as a shift from a fossil-fueled to a zero-carbon-fueled energy system (IRENA, 2020). However, climate change is not the only issue that our society faces, as clearly stated by the United Nations with the Sustainable Development Goals. Many societies across the globe face socio-economic inequality issues such as poverty, …